Writing & editing services (French)
When it comes to writing, whether it is a report or an article, the outcome has to be impeccable and pleasant to read.
Efficient writing

Articles, press releases

Reports, summaries

Executive summary for the World Bank / article for Din wa Dunia (Dec. 2016) /
article for Zamane (June 2011)
Thorough proofreading
If you want your French texts and documents to tend towards perfection, ask for our proofreading services. Language
or typography, we know all the rules and play by them!

Orthotypography (cases, punctuation)
Spelling, grammar, syntax
Style, effects, terminology, consistency
Clients recommendations
Only satisfied clients! Here is one example.
« We have been using Zoé's services as a proofreader since 2014.
We are particularly attached to the rigor of her work, both for syntax and spelling as well as for fact-checking.
By entrusting our proofreading work to Zoé, we know that we are submitting our editions to her great general knowledge, her very high level of language, both in French and English, and her outstanding typographical eye.
Finally, the work is done with absolute respect for deadlines, including when we send her the texts on a tight schedule. »
Meryem Sebti, Publishing Director & Editor-in-Chief

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