Who I am
Beyond my native France, I have lived several lives: 5 countries, 4 professions. This has given me the chance of learning several languages and acquire various skills.
Translator since 2011
Journalism lead me to journalism-oriented translation (international politics, NGOs), then I expanded my capabilities to include various translation fields and several source languages.

A press background
at the service
of your documents
Between 2008 and 2013, I have worked in journalism, in two north-african very different backgrounds : Morocco and Tunisia.
journalist and reporter for TelQuel (Morocco)
sub-editor for Zamane (Morocco)
proofreader and freelance sub-editor
for Diptyk (Morocco) since 2014
correspondent for Reporters Without Borders and European newspapers
co-author of the documentary Les Hirondelles de l’amour (2016) directed by Jawad Rhalib

journalist for Radio Kalima (Tunisie)
A love for language and writing
The pleasure of reading and writing has led me to a great mastery of the French language. Fascinated by literary translation, I am currently translating into French a first work by an American author.

In addition to my scientific studies, I obtained a Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language in 2006.
A sense of pedagogy and popularization
In addition to teaching science in secondary schools, I worked in scientific animation and raising awareness of natural risks, which allowed me to build new communication skills.

1999-2008 et 2013-16 : Life and Earth Sciences teacher (France, Ecuador, Germany, Tunisia)
2022-24 : project manager on seismic risk, in charge of Epicenter (information center on eathquakes) within the association Centre pyrénéen des risques majeurs (France)
1998 : Master's degree in Biology and Geology & French Teaching Certificate in Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)
designing educative media in several languages

teaching natural sciences
escape game about earthquakes designed for the CPRIM/Epicenter
public awareness-raising & communication
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