Translation services
Accurate and seamless translations into French
from English, Spanish and German
in translations for international organizations

international relations
human rights
Human Rights Watch
Coalition for the ICC
International Refugee Rights Initiative = IRRI
Protection International
UN Women...
14 years
World Bank
Interamerican Development Bank (IDB)
Local Government Revenue Initiative = LoGRI (University of Toronto)
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative = EITI
Tetra Tech
Metro United Nations magazine
US Department of State
Reports, letters, resolutions, press releases, minutes, academic articles, subtitles, easy-to-read documents... the experience accumulated over the years will ensure that your various documents are translated with the adequate terminology.
Science-oriented translations

9 years
My initial training as a scientist confers me an in-depth understanding of many types of documents related to biology, biochemistry, environment, agriculture, agri-food industry, forestry, geology...
and I know how to navigate the French scientific terminologies.
Academic papers on Argos system, Delphin biology, Eifel National Park...
International organization of vine and wine (OIV)
Sotera Health, Nonin
Medical, Sanosphera...
3 source languages
A perfect understanding of the source languages, combined to an impeccable mastery of French, my mother tongue, ensures a high-quality outcome. The flowing yet rigourous French writing makes for a pleasant reading.

1 target
IT tools
Using a computer-assisted translation tool (SDL Trados Studio) allows me to be time-efficient, to manage your terminology and to ensure consistency between assignments.
Clients recommendations
Only satisfied clients! Here are some examples.
« Zoé has what it takes to ensure that your translations are of the highest quality – a reliable professional, highly specialised and eager to adapt to different requirements.
She has been working for Traducendo Company Limited for a number of years, translating into French for a world leader in the viticulture and oenology sector, as well as various scientific documents and texts on development and cooperation for major international organisations, always delivering on time, following specific instructions and terminology, and ensuring high quality.
Her high level of expertise and her ability to communicate are a great asset to our company. It is a real pleasure to work with such a detail-oriented professional! »
Irene Alonso, Director
« Zoé has been a regular translator for Human Rights Watch since 2011, translating a variety of documents from English into French, including statements, press releases, official letters, reports, and subtitles.
She is meticulous in her work. Our documents involve sensitive, difficult material that includes specific legal and political language [...]. Zoé does more than just translate the words – she reads the document to fully understand its meaning and conveys that in her translations. She is a careful reader and sometimes catches inconsistencies or errors in the original English during translation that we are then able to fix in the original.
She shoes a strong commitment and professionalism in her work and responds promptly when asked for an assignment [...]. We often have tight deadlines [...]. Zoé is very efficient and turns things in on time, which has made her a valuable asset to [us]. »

Human Rights Watch
Drake Lucas, Communication Director

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